Wow guys I have been running crazy this year in 2nd grade and the Thanksgiving break couldn't have come at a better time! I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I did. While relaxing I decided to do a litte pinterest stalking and found some projects I had to try for the Christmas holiday.
Here one of my wreaths I made after stalking pinterest it is now hanging proudly in my dinning room.
Enough of my wreaths the real reason for my post is to share something I made at a math training today that will help my kids tremendously with place value. I don't know about you guys but we've been adding and subtracting double digits using partial sums, leveling, compensation, and aggregation (CRAZY RIGHT!) not to mention regrouping while subtracting. So while pulling small groups I've noticed that some students are still not understanding the digits and the place value they hold so when we made these today I knew I was posting them tonight. If you already are familiar with the place value cups then I apologize for talking your head off.
To make them you will need a cup for each value your class or grade is representing. For example in second we go up to 999 so I need 3 FOAM CUPS one for the ones place, tens and hundreds. From there you will need 3 sharpies don't use regualr markers because they will smear.
Make sure you position the opening of the cups in your left hand so you read the numbers from left to right. Next take the first cup and write the numbers 0 - 9 along the rim of the cup (see picture). After you finish grab your second cup and write 10 in the inside of the cup and number the rim like the first cup 0-9 this time after each number you will place a 0 on the part of the cup below the rim and the + sign after it. Place this cup inside the ones cup. Do the same for the hundreds except put 00 below the rim of the cup next to the number and the + sign after it. When your done put the hundreds cup inside the tens. Now your kids can make different numbers and show the expanded form for that number. I plan to make a this a center with number cards up to 999 in written form , expanded and pictorial. One student will read the card while the other student makes the number using the cups.
Sorry for the light ink I only had pens. Hope you guys can use these!
13 days and counting:)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Corrected PLace Value Posters
I noticed that I goofed on the symbolic form poster so here are the corrected posters. They will look different when you download them.
Place Value Posters
Place Value Posters
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Place Value posters
So as I was pinning away on pinterest tonight I found some cute place value posters created by a 4th grade teacher @ .
Once downloaded headers and font will fix itself.
This week we're revisiting place value and I knew I needed these posters! Since we only go up to 999 in 2nd I knew I had to tweek the posters a bit. With that said I have created some place value posters for 1st - 2nd grade using smaller numbers. Once again this idea was not mine I am just tweeking it to fit my curriculum. I've attached the posters below if they can be of any use to you.
Mrs. Shepherd
Place Value PostersOnce downloaded headers and font will fix itself.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Rated Top Ten
I want to send a big thank you to Courtney at Swimming into Second for adding me to her top ten blog list! Mrs. Courtney you really made my day.
Mrs. Shepherd
Mrs. Shepherd
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
It's been while but I have pics!
Oh my it's been forever since my last post! I finally have enough energy to actually post something tonight versus just browsing here and there. First let me start by saying I don't remember being this worn out the 2nd week of school but my 19 little bits have ran me silly. Here's a couple of pics of my room this year I took before open house.
Here are my lovely clocks created by Mrs. Lemons and the clock pieces I made from post its notes. I've added labels to them since the pic was taken. Below that you have my reading strategy board with some pirate strategy posters I made on it.
Here are my lovely clocks created by Mrs. Lemons and the clock pieces I made from post its notes. I've added labels to them since the pic was taken. Below that you have my reading strategy board with some pirate strategy posters I made on it.
Next pic is of my Pirate sailboat Word Wall. I hate the double border but the lady cut it short at Joanne's so I had to think of something quick!
Sorry for the picture being silly but here's a picture of my library and reading chairs. I plan to have ribbon with students name hanging below to track how many books they have read over the year in class. -idea borrowed from Ms. Lemons
Here's a look at my students book baskets and below are my math centers and manipulatives.
Computers and writing board
Math board inspiration from Mrs. Lemons again. I put vocabulary for the unit in the pocket chart.
Here's where I place my spelling words and WW words for the week along with the poem that we are covering. The blue crates are actually used to hold my listening center an idea I found on pinterest.
Mrs. Shepherd's Treasures! My brag board which was taken during open house which explains the supplies.
I apologize for the mess but this was taken a few days before school while I was working on some projects.
I plan on taking updated pictures just as soon as I gain some more energy! Come on 3 day weekend!!!!!!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
and the Winner is.......
comment number 117!!!!! Congrats Ms. Jasztal you have 24 hours to contact me so I can send you your Bath and Body gift card!!!
Ms.Jasztal said...
I have done these things:
1. Follow my blog! (1 entry)
4. Follow my TPT store (1 entry)
5. Tell me what your favorite fragrance is (1 entry): My favorite fragrance is "Midnight Pomegranate" and this stress relief green tea scent I LOVE.
:) Thanks!
Ms.Jasztal said...
I have done these things:
1. Follow my blog! (1 entry)
4. Follow my TPT store (1 entry)
5. Tell me what your favorite fragrance is (1 entry): My favorite fragrance is "Midnight Pomegranate" and this stress relief green tea scent I LOVE.
:) Thanks!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Giveaway ending soon!
So today was our last day to go in whenever to fix our rooms and I've done everything except finish up my library. Next week we report back for convocation and trainings, lesson plan meetings etc. which will only give us minutes in our room at a time until our Open House on Thursday. I'm so grateful for my aunt for watching my 2 year old this week I just know I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did if she was in there with me! Dinner's on the stove and this girl is tired! So I will talk to you all later. I will post before and after pics Monday.
Remember the last day to enter to win the Bath and Body gift card is Saturday night!!!!!!
Remember the last day to enter to win the Bath and Body gift card is Saturday night!!!!!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
100's chart activity
First let me say thank you to all of you who sent me well wishes I truly appreciated them!
Ok so last week I went to a math training geared towards incorporating algebra into elementary math. I know yall are probally like what in the world but this training was AMAZING! So I thought I would share two of her acivities she showed us using a 100's chart.
The first activity is the 100's chart puzzle. You take a 100's chart and cut it along the boxes to make puzzle pieces. Students are to pick one piece of the puzzle and place it where they think it should go explaining to their partner why it should go there using math vocabulary and language. I loved this activity because it incorporated purposeful talk within their group.
When students are finished making their puzzle they can then play 100's chart tic tac toe. Instead of the kids using X's and O's they use numbers from the 100's chart. For example if the first person places a 6 in the top left corner of the tic tac toe board then the other player can only place a number on the board that is related to the 6 according to it's position on the 100's chart. Ex. player 2 can place a 7 next to the six or a 16 directly underneath the 6 or a 26 on the last row below the 6. I hope that makes sense. FYI students need to use 2 colors so they'll know which number they wrote. The board should look exactly how it would look if you cut it out and placed it on the number chart on those numbers.
Hope this was helpful.
Ok so last week I went to a math training geared towards incorporating algebra into elementary math. I know yall are probally like what in the world but this training was AMAZING! So I thought I would share two of her acivities she showed us using a 100's chart.
The first activity is the 100's chart puzzle. You take a 100's chart and cut it along the boxes to make puzzle pieces. Students are to pick one piece of the puzzle and place it where they think it should go explaining to their partner why it should go there using math vocabulary and language. I loved this activity because it incorporated purposeful talk within their group.
When students are finished making their puzzle they can then play 100's chart tic tac toe. Instead of the kids using X's and O's they use numbers from the 100's chart. For example if the first person places a 6 in the top left corner of the tic tac toe board then the other player can only place a number on the board that is related to the 6 according to it's position on the 100's chart. Ex. player 2 can place a 7 next to the six or a 16 directly underneath the 6 or a 26 on the last row below the 6. I hope that makes sense. FYI students need to use 2 colors so they'll know which number they wrote. The board should look exactly how it would look if you cut it out and placed it on the number chart on those numbers.
Hope this was helpful.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Me and My Gang link

Sorry for the super long post yesterday I typed it while I was waiting to get seen at the doctors office last night on my phone. Some of you have said you couldn't find Me and My gang so I have provided you guys with link . As for my migraines the doctor told me he thinks my eyes are the problem and requested that I limit my computer use until I get my eyes retested. Yea right! Obviously he doesn't know how addicted I am to my blog and Pinterest. So that's all for now enjoy your Saturday!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Giveaway update and exciting News
So I've been MIA for a minute and want to catch yall up on somethings. First I've been having migraines for 4 days straight and today I decided to see what's going on with me before I report back to school, as of right now I haven't had any news! I'm seriously thinking this Texas heat has beat me and can't wait until we have a day under 100!
Now to some great news!!! I'm going to be an author for Me and My Gang! I'm super excited about being a part of this 2nd grade blog because there's not alot of us out there. For anyone not teaching 2nd the blog will provide you with ideas and content that you guys can modify for your grade level so come check us out!
Now for some giveaway news. So right now I'm giving a $20.00 giftcard to Bath and Body Works for reaching 200 followers. Since I'm so excited about Me an My Gang I am giving away 2 extra entries!!! All you have to do is:
1. follow Me and My Gang - leave a comment on the original giveaway post on my site!
2. Grab our button - leave a comment on the original giveaway post on my site!
Please make sure you add you extra entries to the original giveaway post on my site.
Good Luck
Now to some great news!!! I'm going to be an author for Me and My Gang! I'm super excited about being a part of this 2nd grade blog because there's not alot of us out there. For anyone not teaching 2nd the blog will provide you with ideas and content that you guys can modify for your grade level so come check us out!
Now for some giveaway news. So right now I'm giving a $20.00 giftcard to Bath and Body Works for reaching 200 followers. Since I'm so excited about Me an My Gang I am giving away 2 extra entries!!! All you have to do is:
1. follow Me and My Gang - leave a comment on the original giveaway post on my site!
2. Grab our button - leave a comment on the original giveaway post on my site!
Please make sure you add you extra entries to the original giveaway post on my site.
Good Luck
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Pinterest inspired
So with all the pinning I've been doing on Pinterest I've decided to try and create some teacher signs for my teammates this year to hang in their room. Now before you look I just have to say that I am no artist but I really enjoyed making them and hope they like them. I tried to incorporate their favorite colors into their signs while making them look completly different. All in all I think I did well the only thing left to do is to glue the bows on them and write a message on the back. The project was a total of $7 dollars at Michaels with coupons! I do apologize for the last pic being sideways.
Happy Saturday!
Happy Saturday!
Pirate Class Behavior
It's super late and I can't sleep so of course I've been spending my time blogging and pinning on pinterest when I came across Mrs. Larremore's Chalktalk Kindergarten blog. Her blog is one of many that I stalk religiously just because she has so many resources and contacts to offer you daily and the fact that were in the same district. So she's a celebrity to me. Anyway I was reading her post about meeting Mrs. Jump and one of the things she was gonna implement in her room this year was a classroom manegment system using boats. If the students were disruptive their boat would get pulled. Any way it was super cute and I couldn't find it on Jumps blog so I created my own. It's basically like the brownie points I keep seeing on pinterest with the pan instead mine is a boat tha can sink because of bad behavior. If your intersted I've attached a copy below.
Mrs. Shepherd
Don't sink the ship!
Mrs. Shepherd
Don't sink the ship!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Let's Celebrate!
I've reached the 200 mark and want to celebrate by giving away something that has nothing to do with your classroom. I know when I'm preparing to go back to school I need to have a new wardrobe, shoes and don't forget some new lotions and perfumes! One of my favorite places to shop for lotions and perfumes is of course Bath and Body Works! So to say thanks for following me I am giving away a $20.00 gift card to Bath and Body works to one lucky follower!
You guys have 5 ways to enter. The giveaway will end on August 12th at Midnight and the winner will be selected on Sunday. If you win you will have 24 hours to contact me to claim your prize.
How to enter:
1. Follow my blog! (1 entry)
2. Grab my Button (1 entry)
3. Blog about my giveaway (1 entry)
4. Follow my TPT store (1 entry)
5. Tell me what your favorite fragrance is (1 entry)
Good Luck to you all!
Mrs. Shepherd
You guys have 5 ways to enter. The giveaway will end on August 12th at Midnight and the winner will be selected on Sunday. If you win you will have 24 hours to contact me to claim your prize.
How to enter:
1. Follow my blog! (1 entry)
2. Grab my Button (1 entry)
3. Blog about my giveaway (1 entry)
4. Follow my TPT store (1 entry)
5. Tell me what your favorite fragrance is (1 entry)
Good Luck to you all!
Mrs. Shepherd
Pirate theme listening Poster
So I've dropped my beach theme for pirates this year and have been slowly getting everything together while waiting to go back to my classroom. Here is a copy of my listening poster I will put on my board by my whole group area to remind my students what a good listener looks like.
Pirate Good Listener Poster
Pirate Good Listener Poster
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Math Journal Dividers
I've had several request for these dividers so I've attached them below. I also use them for my Reader's Response Journals as well as my take home folders. I will post the Reader's Response dividers Thursday after we finalize all of the components of the journal. I hope these can come in handy for you guys! FYI scrib'd is acting silly once again so they look funny but they download correctly!
Strategies - Math Journal
Extended Practice Math Journal
Math Vocab -Math Journal
Strategies - Math Journal
Extended Practice Math Journal
Math Vocab -Math Journal
Monday, July 25, 2011
With all the talk of behavior charts going on I decided to go ahead and make my labels for mine. Let me just say that they are nothing fancy but they will do. If your interested in them you can grab a copy below. My colors may be different from yours so if you need something to be changed just let me know.
Behavior Chart Labels
Behavior Chart Labels
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I'm back!
Wow it's been a week since I have posted anything and I have so much to share! First my school informed us that the LRC was open which means unlimited laminating until school starts so of course thats where I've spent most of my time this week. A big thank you to Mrs. Curtain at Life's a Teach for sending me a cute id purse and $10.00 gift card to Target. Check out all of my goodies!
The name tags are for my chair pockets I got from Mrs. Perry at Primary Perspective. The chapsticks I use for smellies for a easy incentive. Ink pads for my stamps in different colors, 2 desk caddies and a teacher planner I will use as a calendar for myself versus lesson plans. The last and most important thing is my pretty Flair pens! I love those things! Thanks again Mrs. Curtain!
I had promised a couple bloggers that I would post my Math Journal so here it is. I used them everyday last year and loved them. My only complaint about the way I did it last year was that they were unorgainized and so it was hard for my students to go back and find things that we had covered. So this summer my goal was to create a version that was orgainized and easy for my students to use and understand. My journal is broken down into 4 parts.
Part 1 = Table of Contents - students record the concept and page number
Part 2 = Strategies - includes foldables, posters, and poems
Part 3 = Guided Practice - Left brain - students apply strategy independently , Right brain - teacher models
Part 4 = Vocabulary
Here are some pictures:

Would love to hear your thoughts before I present it to my team.
Mrs. Shepherd
Friday, July 15, 2011
Pinterest and Post its
First let me say that pinterest is addictive so be careful!:) Anywho I was pinning away this morning and ran across this classroom clock project which I've been eye balling at Lakeshore made out of post its or scrapbook paper. I didn't have any scrapbook paper so post its it was which by the way I have a ton of because Staples has them for $1.00 with a limit of 2 until today or tomorrow and Walmart and Target price matching their add! Ok back to the project here is the project on pinterest and mine which is unfinished because I want to laminate them all together before I cut them out.
After I finished what I could with that one I decided to start on my story wands and my trusty o printer was out of ink! No worries I had all of these Post its, a sharpie and popsicle sticks.
Here are some pictures of my Story Wands which will be used during Reader's Workshop. I do plan to laminate them so they will last all year.
Can't wait to see what you guys are doing!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Grab my new button!
What's your favorite Laura Numeroff book linky party?
Ingles360 is hosting a "Whats your favorite Laura Numeroff book linky party"!

My favorite Laura Numeroff book is If you Give a Cat a Cupcake. My students absolutely loved covering this book since we were able to make cupcakes and write a how to about it. Well that's my favorite Laura Numeroff book head over to Ingles:360 to link up and share yours.
Mrs. Shepherd

My favorite Laura Numeroff book is If you Give a Cat a Cupcake. My students absolutely loved covering this book since we were able to make cupcakes and write a how to about it. Well that's my favorite Laura Numeroff book head over to Ingles:360 to link up and share yours.
Mrs. Shepherd
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Spelling Homework Freebie
Here's a look at my spelling homework activity sheet that I'm using this year. Each student will have a copy in their homework spiral. If your interested in the document I've attached it below.
Mrs. Shepherd
Spelling Activitity Homework Sheet
Mrs. Shepherd
Spelling Activitity Homework Sheet
Friday, July 8, 2011
Math Master
I was just sitting here thinking of ways to help my students memorize and understand their basic addition facts up to 9 when I remembered the game around the world. When 'I was in 3rd grade my teacher had fish all around her room numbered 1-10 and 10 would lead to the ocean she had put on the wall. Each student had a small fish with our names on it. In order to move our fish we had to complete a timed worksheet covering multiples of one number and if we made 100% we would move our fish to the next number. We were always asking for her to test us so we could move our fish. If your fish sucessfully got past 10 into the ocean you received a certiciate and multiplication pencil and when other students were tested you got to do free centers. Obviously you can tell that I loved that activity and was one of the students in the ocean!
Well last year our school tried implementing something similar called Math Masters. It was basically the same thing but required lots of paper and wasn't exciting for the kids. So with that in mind I have decided to combine the two lessons and use it in my room this year. We will focus on addition facts at the beginning and move to multiplication at the end. My materials are based on my theme which is a beach theme and will be posted around my room for my students to access and see clearly. Thebeach ballas are the numbers were covering and the sandals represent my students. I hope you guys can use these in your clasroom. If you have any questions or want to tell me what you guys do I would love to hear from you.
Mrs. Shepherd
Math Masters Set
Well last year our school tried implementing something similar called Math Masters. It was basically the same thing but required lots of paper and wasn't exciting for the kids. So with that in mind I have decided to combine the two lessons and use it in my room this year. We will focus on addition facts at the beginning and move to multiplication at the end. My materials are based on my theme which is a beach theme and will be posted around my room for my students to access and see clearly. Thebeach ballas are the numbers were covering and the sandals represent my students. I hope you guys can use these in your clasroom. If you have any questions or want to tell me what you guys do I would love to hear from you.
Mrs. Shepherd
Math Masters Set
Friday Freebie!
Today and today only I am offering my flying High with Fractions Math Center for FREE on my TPT store Here's a preview of what's inside the center. If you like it it please follow my TPT store. Flying High Preview
Mrs. Shepherd
Mrs. Shepherd
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Birthday Packet Giveaway
Go over to Peace Love and Learning to score a super cute Birthday Packet to use in your classroom.
How to: Paper Bag Person Foldable
This is my second how to foldable post and today I will show you guys how to make a paper bag person. I learned this is my last GT training and thought it would be a great tool to use during character studies. The example I'm showing you uses a All about me template created by Mrs. Lemons- click link to go to her site to get the freebie You will need a lunch size paper bag, scissors and tape.

Mrs. Shepherd
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