First let me say that before I create anything for my classroom I like to reflect on what did and didn't work for me this past year to see what I need. With that in mind I knew I had to create something for taking lunch count and checking out books from my class library. I hate to admit this, but my lunch count took up way too much time in the morning! Our district actually has breakfast in the classroom and taking lunch count was one of the many things that needed to be taken care of in that small block we call arrival time. Then I never followed through on making my students sign the check out log for my class library, I figured out that I'm really not worried so much about that as long as their reading!
So today while at Joann's Fabric I spotted these Jumbo Library pockets from Creative Teaching Press and knew I could use them for something, plus they were a steal at 1.80 for a pack of 12! Of course I grabbed all of the ones I could find. Then I went to Michael's and grabbed some beads and pipe cleaners to make some tools for my students to use during word study and guided reading.
Project 1: (less than $2.00)
I used the large pockets and colored card stock to create a lunch count display. Students have 4 choices for lunch which I wrote on the pockets with expo marker (after laminating). I cut the strips of paper into pieces and wrote students names on them. When students come in they will grab their strip and choose what they want for lunch, then my helper will count and record it before morning announcements are over. Quick and easy and now I won't have anymore delays!
Project 2: (less than $2.00)
Library pockets! All you need is card stock cut into strips, library pockets, hole punch, and rings. Place a hole at the top of the pocket and place the ring thru it and attach to a book basket. Give students 2 strips of paper with their names on them to use for checking out books. Students will choose a book from your library by placing their strip of paper in the library pocket of the basket the book came from. When the student is finished reading the book and has returned it they can get their strip of paper back. This will allow me to see what genres each student is reading, how long they've had a certain book and if their placing the books back where they belong.
Project 3: Word Crackers (less than $4.00 for enough to make 25)
These are very simple to make, all you'll need are some beads, pipe cleaners and some card stock. These need to be made before allowing students to use them! First place 10 beads onto a pipe cleaner. Next take a strip of card stock and poke a hole through it on both sides with the pipe cleaner. Once the holes are poked pull the pipe cleaners through and tape it down on the back. Then your all set to use the word crackers in class! These can be used to practice counting syllables, compound words, stretching words, and so much more! These also can be used in Math (rekenrek) for adding up to 10. Below my daughter used the word cracker (green)to determine how many syllables were in the word umbrella. As you can see she slid over 3 beads because she heard 3 syllables.
I can't wait to see what you guys have created!

I love the idea of library checkout attached to the genre basket! Thanks for sharing!