Well it's that time folks, time for my kiddos to take STAAR! My students have worked so hard this year and I am confident that my kiddos will ROCK this test! Since we only have 6 days left to prepare I decided to let my students write their very own STAAR PLAN using dots-n-spots New Year's Eve Resolution guitars. (click the link to go to her store)
My students loved planning how they were going to be successful on our big test. Everybody loved reading my students plans. Take a look!
I went a head and ran with the Rock Star theme during our daily math review. My kids love solving problems that have cute clip art and bright colors. I projected them with my projector and my students solved and explained the process during our think-pair-share time.
I've also been working hard to applaud the efforts of my students since this is such hard time of the year, so I've given my students their very own "mini me" to go in their STAAR folders. The students earn badges (stickers) for making their target score on their quizzes. My students love this more than anything I've every done! I will definitely continue this next year. If you plan on doing something similar in your class I would make sure its kept some place that is private. This isn't something you would want everyone to see. My students keep theirs in their folders.
Lastly we've been using my using my Reading and Math strategy packs from my TPT store and my students grades have increased tremendously! If you follow me on IG then you've seen my post about my students scoring 88% passing on our district 9 week assessments. Believe me when I say we celebrated hard in room 22!
I'm planning on ending our final week of STAAR prep with a rock party so I used one of the extra guitars from our STAAR plan activity as an incentive. Each time we get 80% on a quiz as a class one of my students will add a guitar piece to the board. Once our guitar is complete I plan on surprising them with a rock star party including go noodle, star pencils and goodies as a reward for all of their hard work.
Well I'm off to cook a roast I saw on Pearls, handcuffs and happy hour for Sunday dinner. Would love to know how you guys are preparing for State Test.
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