Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fall in Love with Teaching Blog Hop

These past couple of weeks have been a blur!! I told myself that I would change things up so that I could  become a better educator for my students, my campus and of course myself.  So today I'm sharing some little things that have helped me love teaching even more.

Let's start with my classroom.  This year I have incorporated white board desks instead of my old brown ones.  They were so easy to prep and install.  All you need is whiteboard planks from Home Depot, Velcro, and colorful duct tape for the borders and your done!  (check to see if your Home Depot will donate the boards)  My students love using them and I save a ton of copies by not using so much paper.

Take your lesson outdoors!  We have an outdoor learning environment on my campus (garden) and I love using it for writing, math and of course science lessons.  The students love just being able to move around and explore.

Here my students are calculating the perimeter of the outside of the plant box.  (excuse our poor little plants)

Cooperative Learning is the key to less stress if you do it correctly.  Here my students work together to come up with words that follow the rule written on each table group.  Here my students from the blue table are trying to come up with more words that have the r controlled vowel.

Students love working together and I love hearing my kiddos teach each other using their own language.

Keep it organized!!!  I've added a few things to help keep my class organized and in order this year.  Here's a look at my tables which are grouped by color and some crate seats that are used for reading spots and storage.

Here's my life saver!!!  My guided math board.  I also created a literacy station board to match but forgot to take a picture.  This little board saves me from hearing "I forgot where I go Mrs, S" 20 times in row.  Now my classroom is student driven vs. teacher driven.

Now here's you chance to win one item of your choice from my store and a $50 gift card to teachers pay teachers!!!!  Just follow the prompts below and you'll be entered to win one of these prizes!!!!

Well I'm off to read some great tips from the teachers of the Third Grade Tribe.  Make sure to click the click here button to hear some great tips from the Teacher Treasure Hunter!


  1. I am now a new follower on Bloglovin, and I also follow on TpT. I love your idea about the white board desks! Very clever!

  2. Love the white board desks and love that they're velcro too. I'm guessing the kids can just pull it off if they need to move around the room?

  3. I love the colorful bins with the cute clipart as organization!

  4. I love the whiteboard desk idea! I have seen people paint desks with whiteboard paint, but this is less permanent and easier.

  5. I love your ideas! I made the seat crates this year and LOVE them! I love your desks, too. Super cute!


  6. I love your whiteboard desks! I have whiteboards, but I never thought about getting them in a larger size and placing on top of the children's desks.

  7. Those whiteboard desk tops are fabulous! Your room looks great!

  8. This is the first time I have seen whiteboard desks! I bet students LOVE those!

  9. Sonya, thank you for all of these great tips! It's amazing how "little things" transform how we feel about what we're doing, isn't it? I'm also a huge proponent for cooperative learning done right!!! And I LOVE your whiteboard desks and have pinned your picture and shared on FB because it is such a great idea! Love your classroom, by the way - it looks so bright and inviting!
    xo Pamela
    Hedgehog Reader

  10. Love your organization! I just used my smart board to project group rotations-- but I should probably find something more constant like a pocket chart. Thank you for so many great ideas!

  11. I bet your students thought you were a superhero with all the work you did in your class. It looks fantastic! Great ideas for organization which help the students and teachers. Thanks for the ideas!
